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Monday, Jun 5 2017

Sanders Questions: Why Are You So Obsessed With Me Edition

Jun 05, 2017

American Bridge Rapid Response Director Emily Aden calls on Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to answer the following questions: 
1. What happened to lawyers vetting President Trump’s tweets given the media “obsession” with what the leader of the free world has to say?
2. Why did President Trump blindside his own national security team and take out the Article 5 section from his NATO speech? 
3. Why did President Trump deliberately take the Mayor of London’s words out of context and further stoke fears in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack?
4.Did President Trump forget he signed the “watered down” Muslim travel ban he is now criticizing as too “politically correct?” 
5. How will Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and UAE cutting ties with Qatar following President Trump’s visit to the region help in the fight against terror? 

Published: Jun 5, 2017

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