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Wednesday, Jul 13 2016

Rubio's Zika Hearing Is Too Little, Way Too Late

Jul 13, 2016

Marco Rubio’s hearing on the Zika epidemic today is much too little, way too late. Rubio and Washington Republicans held funding for addressing the disease hostage for months, playing politics with women’s health by trying to defund Planned Parenthood instead of tackling Zika head on.

In Florida alone, there have been 183 Zika cases reported, 40 of those pregnant women — that number is expected to grow as mosquito season reaches its peak. Rubio’s attention to Zika is a sham and entirely politically motivated. 

The ever absent senator skipped committee hearing after committee hearing even before he declared for president. Floridians already gave him a chance. On Zika and many more issues, Rubio and the GOP have proven they can’t lead and are ineffective at governing. Now when they should be working to a compromise to allocate the necessary funding for the Zika crisis, Washington Republicans including Rubio are about to take a seven week vacation. Florida deserves a senator that shows up to work not Marco “I hate the Senate” Rubio.

Published: Jul 13, 2016

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