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Tuesday, May 12 2015

Round Up: The Best of Lickgate

May 12, 2015

In case you missed it, Rand Paul’s New Hampshire political director licked an American Bridge tracker’s camera yesterday. Here are some of our favorite responses to the Londonderry Licking.







New York Times: Aide to Rand Paul Shatters the Yuck Barrier

A member of Rand Paul’s staff in New Hampshire was all too ready for his close-up. Trackers with American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic opposition research group, had their camera lens cleaned, in a manner of speaking, when they tried to capture Mr. Paul, a senator from Kentucky and a Republican presidential candidate, at an event in Londonderry on Monday. Before Mr. Paul was even introduced, the staff member stood and tried to physically block the camera, interposing his head and even his nostrils, between it and the action.

Gawker: Rand Paul Staffer Licks Liberal Spy’s Camera Lens

The assaulted camera belonged to a staffer from the liberal PAC American Bridge 21st Century, which was minding its own business when the tongue of Paul’s New Hampshire political director decided to go in for a taste. The lick raises many questions. What was this Paul staffer hoping to accomplish? Did he not realize that after he removed his tongue from the lens it would still likely continue to function? How did the camera taste? How many other cameras has he licked it? And is he ok, in a general sense?

Huffington Post: Rand Paul Staffer Licking A Tracker’s Camera Is The Grossest Thing You’ll See All Day

If you can’t beat ’em, lick ’em.

That, at least, appears to be the campaign strategy of David Chesley, Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) new political director in New Hampshire. The veteran GOP operative was caught on video bizarrely licking the camera of a tracker for American Bridge, a Democratic opposition research firm that follows Republican candidates across the country, at a Monday town hall in Londonderry, New Hampshire.


Published: May 12, 2015

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