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Monday, Feb 14 2022

Ron Johnson: Sad He’s “Only Doubled” His Wealth As Senator

Feb 14, 2022

Johnson has repeatedly put his and his big donors’ interests first while selling out Wisconsin families

In case you missed it, Ron Johnson last Friday expressed deep disappointment that his personal net worth has “only doubled” since he joined the U.S. Senate in 2011.

According to estimatesJohnson’s net worth has risen from roughly $23.76 million in 2011 to about $48.03 million in 2020. Over that time period, Johnson has worked to save his biggest billionaire backers hundreds of millions in tax breaks, all while he “personally benefited from [the] tax change he sought.” 

More recently, Johnson has taken heat over the last month for telling Wisconsin families he won’t work to lower child care costs, and for declining to fight to keep 1,000 good-paying jobs in his own hometown.


Raw Story: LISTEN: GOP’s Ron Johnson complains that he’s ‘only’ doubled his net worth since taking office

Heartland Signal: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) complains that he has only doubled his net worth while in office


Published: Feb 14, 2022 | Last Modified: Feb 15, 2022

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