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Friday, May 15 2015

RNC Sticking With Its Signature Brand of Bigotry on RFRA.

May 15, 2015

Keeping with its narrow-minded ways, the Republican National Committee will vote to put its full support behind discriminatory ‘religious freedom’ laws today at its spring meeting. While the majority of Americans are against Indiana-style RFRA laws, the GOP continues to double down on its signature brand of bigotry. Back in April, 2016 contenders Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, and Ben Carson all stood with Gov. Mike Pence.

Jeb Bush got so whacked for being the first to unequivocally endorse Pence’s RFRA that he had to backtrack on the issue, but his religious adviser made it perfectly clear at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Summit last month that Bush stands by his support of religious discrimination laws. Jeb’s tying himself in knots on religious discrimination just like he has on Iraq.

Today’s vote proves it: the Republicans are out of touch with Americans and as fixed in their intolerance as ever.

TIME: Republican Party to Vote in Support of Religious-Freedom Laws

Published: May 15, 2015

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