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Wednesday, Jun 6 2018

Risking Florida Jobs, Rick Scott Stays Silent on Trump Tariffs

Jun 06, 2018

“Rick Scott is playing politics with Florida jobs, refusing to speak out as Donald Trump’s reckless tariffs put Florida jobs at risk. And while Trump’s tariffs hurt Florida’s economy, Rick Scott isn’t tending the store — he’s busy fundraising from wealthy special interests in California. It’s clear there’s only one job Rick Scott really cares about: his own,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Tampa Bay Times: The price of beer could go up: How Trump’s ‘trade war’ may hurt Rick Scott

Budweiser’s parent, Anheuser-Busch, is “agitated” over tariffs, Sen. Bill Nelson says.

By Steve Bousquet and Alex Leary | June 6, 2018

  • Anheuser-Busch is synonymous with St. Louis, but what’s not as well-known is that the beer company has long had a big operation in Jacksonville, quenching Florida’s thirst.
  • Since 1974, the king of beers has produced aluminum beer cans there, cranking out up to 2,500 a minute — a thriving operation that it says is threatened by President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.
  • Then came the tariffs. Trump on June 1 imposed a 25 percent steel tariff and 10 percent aluminum tariff on Mexico and Canada as a way to reshape the North American Free Trade Agreement. Other tariffs were slapped on the European Union and other countries.
  • Scott has said virtually nothing about a subject that could have serious implications for an economy he has spent eight years nurturing.
  • Scott’s campaign has not responded to a Times/Herald request Tuesday for more details on his position. Scott was raising campaign money in San Francisco Wednesday.
  • Scott’s opponent, Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, who toured the Jacksonville plant in April, says the brewer is “quite agitated” over Trump’s actions.
  • “You put a 10 percent tax on aluminum and that adds up to real money for the consumer,” Nelson said.

Read the full story here.

Published: Jun 6, 2018

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