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Thursday, Mar 9 2017

Rick Scott Supports “Heartless, Reckless” Repeal of Healthcare As A Starting Point

Mar 09, 2017

Last night, Governor Rick Scott went on Fox News to praise the House Republican repeal bill, which was described by the Tampa Bay Times editorial board as “a heartless, reckless” bill that would raise costs for everyday Floridians, yet deliver tax cuts to the rich and healthcare CEOs. According to The Miami Herald, “Florida stands to lose more than it gains under the bill… especially when it comes to the 4.3 million state residents who rely on Medicaid.”

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the following statement:

“Rick Scott’s refusal to outright oppose this disastrous bill should signal to Floridians that he will allow Donald Trump to sell them down-river without a paddle.”

[Click for video]

The GOP Bill Would Increase Healthcare Costs By As Much As $7,000 Per Enrollee By 2020

  • The GOP Bill Would Increase Costs For The Average Enrollee By $1,542 For The First Year If Enacted Today, And By $2,409 In 2020. [David Cutler, John Bertko, Toher Spiro, and Emily Gee, Vox, 3/7/17]

  • Analysis: “Individuals With Income Below 250 Percent Of The Federal Poverty Line Would See Their Costs Increase By $2,945 Today And By $4,061 In 2010.” [David Cutler, John Bertko, Toher Spiro, and Emily Gee, Vox, 3/7/17]

  • Analysis: Americans Ages 55-64 Would See Their Costs Increase $5,269 If The Bill Were To Go Into Effect Today And By $6,971 In 2020. [David Cutler, John Bertko, Toher Spiro, and Emily Gee – Vox, 3/7/17]

AARP Opposed The Legislation For Increasing Healthcare Costs For Older Americans

  • AARP: “The Change In Structure Will Dramatically Increase Premiums For Older Consumers.” [AARP Letter, 3/7/17]

  • The ACA Prohibited Insurance Companies From Charging More Than A 3-1 Ratio For Their Oldest Customers Compared To Their Youngest While The GOP Bill Would Allow It To Be 5-1. [New York Times, 3/6/17]

  • AARP: Age Rating Plus Premium Increases Equal An Unaffordable Age Tax. [Letter from AARP Vice President of Government Affairs Joyce A. Rogers to Reps. Walden, Pallone, Brady, and Neal, 3/7/17]

  • AARP Opposed The Legislation Stating That It Shortens The Life Of The Medicare Trust Fund By Cutting Taxes For The Rich. [Letter from AARP Vice President of Government Affairs Joyce A. Rogers to Reps. Walden, Pallone, Brady, and Neal, 3/7/17]

Legislation Would Slash Taxes On The Top 0.1% & Health Insurance CEOs

  • The Top 0.1 Percent Would See Their Taxes Fall By Almost $200,000 Through The Repeal Of The ACA’s Tax Surcharge And The Additional Medicare Payroll Tax. [CNN, 3/7/17]

  • Legislation Included A Tax Break For Insurance Company CEOs Earning More Than $500,000 Annually. [Buzzfeed, 3/6/17]

Published: Mar 9, 2017

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