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Wednesday, Jun 27 2018

Once Again Rick Scott Fails to Call For an End to Family Separations Or Call For Reunification

Jun 27, 2018

“Rick Scott can take photo ops and pay lip service to Florida’s Hispanic communities, but his cruel actions speak louder than any words,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Time and time again, Rick Scott has failed to call on his friend and ally Donald Trump to end his policy of family separation and reunite families immediately – and that’s what Floridians will remember come November.”

Florida Politics: In welcoming Hispanic leader support, Rick Scott offers mixed messages on refugees

By Scott Powers | June 27, 2018

  • “However, Scott stopped short of criticizing President Donald Trump‘s current zero-tolerance policies toward the tangled mix of illegal immigrants and refugees now flowing across the border. He also passed on a chance to offer any specific support for those seeking asylum from horrifying crime and political oppression, particularly in the generally right-wing Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.”
  • “The contrast showed the awkward position of a Republican with supportive policies and rhetoric of Hispanic newcomers to his state, in an era of Trump when much of the national Republican agenda runs counter, mainly relating to many of the Central American and Mexicans seeking to enter the United States.”
  • “‘What of the challenges of Nicaragua, the challenges of Venezuela, the challenges of the Cubans coming here?’ Scott said…Scott demurred when asked if those thoughts extended to other Central American countries which are currently the source of numerous immigrants including unknown numbers seeking, but not being offered refuge, and of Trump’s zero-tolerance policy toward them.”
  • “It’s up to Congress to determine what to do about the federal temporary protective status programs expiring for some refugees, he added. ‘When I go to Washington, I want to be a doer,’ Scott said but did not offer his personal support for the programs.”

Read the full story here.

Published: Jun 27, 2018

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