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Tuesday, Jan 10 2012

Reuters: Republican Foes Try To Brand Romney As Elitist

Jan 10, 2012

On January 9, 2012, Reuters reported:

The labels being attached to Republican U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney seem to be straight out of the Democrats’ playbook.

Elitist. Job killer. Out of touch.

Using Romney’s own words against him, foes of the Republican front-runner and venture capitalist essentially are casting him as an enemy of the middle class in a time of economic peril.


One thing is clear: Accusing Romney of being an elitist matches what almost certainly will be a key part of the strategy of Obama’s re-election campaign and groups that support the president.

“In fact, we will do it much better than the Republicans are doing it now,” said Rodell Mollineau, president of American Bridge, a Democratic “opposition research” unit that uses film footage of candidates’ own words to discredit them.

“The stuff that is coming out of Romney’s mouth – we will use it in a way that will be sustained and amplified,” Mollineau said. “We will use all the tools available to us to show how out of touch he is with the concerns of middle class Americans.”

Read the full article here.

Published: Jan 10, 2012

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