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Wednesday, Dec 13 2017

Republicans Should Take Their Own Advice, Delay Senate Business Until Sen-Elect Jones Is Seated

Dec 13, 2017

The people of Alabama spoke loudly and clearly when they elected Doug Jones, and he should be seated before any vote on major legislation takes place. The will of the people of Alabama must be respected, and the Senator they elected — not a Senator appointed by a disgraced ex-governor — should be allowed to vote on legislation that will affect every Alabamian.
This isn’t a new argument. This isn’t a partisan argument. This is exactly what Republicans said they believed in 2010 after Scott Brown won the Massachusetts special election. Just hear for yourself what Republicans argued back then…
Trump in 2010: “[Obama] said now, you know, we have to give Massachusetts their vote, which was a very smart thing for him to say.”
John McCain in 2010: The Senate should delay its business until Scott Brown could be seated.
Mitch McConnell in 2010: The Senate should “move in a new direction” after Massachusetts.
Lamar Alexander in 2010: Scott Brown’s win “sends a clear message” to the Senate.
Lamar Alexander *again* in 2010: The Senate needs to pay attention to election results in Massachusetts.
John Cornyn in 2010The Senate should respect “the message the people of Massachusetts were sending.”

Published: Dec 13, 2017

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