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Monday, Jan 24 2022

Republicans Praise Infrastructure Bill They Voted To Kill

Jan 24, 2022

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal was a historic victory for Democrats, finally making good on a pledge that Republicans had promised and failed to deliver for years. But that hasn’t stopped congressional Republicans from trying to take credit. This weekend, the Los Angeles Times reported on GOP members of Congress who voted against Democrats’ Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal but who are now hypocritically touting its impact in their communities

Although the majority of Republican lawmakers followed the advice of Donald Trump and attempted to block the bill, in recent weeks they have tried to save face with a barrage of press releases praising upcoming projects that will create good-paying jobs, improve waterways, bring high-speed internet to all, and rebuild crumbling roads and bridges.

“Despite all the Beltway noise, we know Democrats have a winning message for November,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Aidan Johnson. “How do we know? Congressional Republicans are embarrassing themselves trying to steal Democrats’ accomplishments. These members voted to kill a bill that is rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure and generating the fastest-growing economy in a generation and American Bridge will make sure they’re held accountable for voting no but taking the dough.”

Los Angeles Times: Republicans who voted against Biden’s infrastructure bill are touting its projects anyway

  • “Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) last year left little doubt why she was voting against a $1-trillion bipartisan infrastructure measure, calling it nothing more than a ‘socialist plan full of crushing taxes and radical spending.’”
  • “Yet, when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced on Wednesday that very same infrastructure bill would be funding a $403-million flood control project in her district in the Fort Worth area, Granger wasted no time in hailing the effort.”
  • “Granger is not the only Republican cheering on projects generated by a bill that she voted to kill. In recent days, at least four other Republican members of Congress have praised initiatives made possible by the infrastructure law they opposed. Political analysts say they are not likely to be the last.”
  • “The White House and the measure’s backers say it will create thousands of jobs, address a backlog of neglected infrastructure projects and create an electric vehicle charging network across the nation.”
  • “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) fought the legislation, as did former President Trump. They encouraged Republican lawmakers to block the bill, insisting it was bad policy and inextricably linked to a larger Democratic social spending package, an initiative that has stalled in the Senate.”
  • “Among the Republicans who bashed the law but are taking credit for its initiatives in recent weeks are two lawmakers representing Louisiana: Rep. Steve Scalise, the House minority whip, and Rep. Clay Higgins, whose district spans the southern part of the Bayou State.”
  • “Scalise, in a news release, highlighted $400 million in initiatives (made possible by the law) that mitigate flooding.”
  • “Higgins similarly applauded more than $190 million in funding for waterway projects in his district.”

By: Erin B. Logan & Anumita Kaur | January 24, 2022

Key Points:

Read the full report here.


Published: Jan 24, 2022 | Last Modified: Jan 28, 2022

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