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Friday, Nov 19 2021

Republicans’ Pennsylvania U.S. Senate Primary Is An Unmitigated Disaster

Nov 19, 2021

You could say we’re “in Oz” of Pennsylvania and national Republicans’ U.S. Senate recruiting incompetence. Just… read this.

Politico: Pennsylvania Republicans baffled by celebrity doctor’s Senate bid

By Holly Otterbein and Natalie Allison | November 19, 2021

Key Points:

  • “Yes, Dr. Oz is serious about running for the Senate.”
  • “[N]o one so far has admitted to working on [the campaign] and the consultants thought to be involved are remaining tight-lipped. But Mehmet Oz is searching for a scheduler and policy director, according to a person contacted about the jobs. He has also recently looked for a home in the Philadelphia suburbs, another source said.”

“It’s a sign of the unsettled nature of the current GOP primary field, which has party insiders alarmed by the absence of a strong candidate in one of the nation’s most important Senate races.”

  • “Republican activists, party officials and donors are concerned that [current GOP primary frontrunner] Parnell, who has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump, can’t win a general election after being accused of striking his wife and child.”
  • “That has led to a churn of would-be candidates, and would-be political consultants, leaving the field unsettled and the party unsure of what to do to fix the problem. Several Republicans told POLITICO they aren’t convinced that Dr. Oz is the savior they’re looking for, however.”
  • “A person close to the Parnell campaign said he would only get out of the race if he loses his children in the custody fight. Otherwise, the campaign expects he’ll survive.”

Read the full report from Politico, here, and please stay for the apparent Dr. Oz campaign consultant “proceeding to quote a line from the movie ‘Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part 1’” in what seems to be an effort to avoid having to directly confirm or deny consulting for Dr. Oz.


Published: Nov 19, 2021

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