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Thursday, Jul 31 2014

Republicans Boost New Hampshire Hopeful Day After She Renews Call for Impeachment

Jul 31, 2014

National Republicans are putting their hopes to regain New Hampshire’s 2nd congressional district behind extreme candidate Marilinda Garcia, just one day after she re-iterated her call to impeach President Obama. During yesterday morning’s debate hosted by WHIR radio, Garcia said Congress must “vote appropriately” if it deems the president has committed “an impeachable offense.”

Back in February at the New Boston Republican Committee debate, Garcia claimed that the president “has many, many impeachable offenses” and said she would vote to impeach.

If impeachment talk is really just a “scam started by Democrats” as Speaker Boehner claims, why is the NRCC throwing its weight behind an impeachment-supporter?
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Marilinda Garcia (NH-02): President Obama “has Many, Many Impeachable Offenses.” “When asked if she would vote to impeach President Obama Garcia said, “I would..He has many, many impeachable offenses it seems to me in terms of his disregard for our Constitution alone.” [New Boston Republican Committee Debate, 2/06/14]

Published: Jul 31, 2014

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