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Wednesday, Jun 22 2016

Report: Marco Rubio's Chronic Absenteeism

Jun 22, 2016

It was only a few months ago that Marco Rubio was arguing that “we’re not going to fix America with senators and congressman” to excuse his numerous missed votes. Over the past month, Marco Rubio has done everything he can to whitewash his record of skipping out on Senate votes and committee hearings. The ploy won’t fool Floridians though. Rubio’s time in the Senate is already scarred by his chronic absenteeism. American Bridge is releasing a detailed report on Rubio’s propensity for skipping work.

It reached an all-time high in March with the senator neglecting more than 89 percent of votes since the start of 2016, but over 29% of the missed votes came before he was running for president. The senator also missed 68 percent of committee hearings, skipping out on a whopping 80 percent of Commerce hearings and 85 percent of Small Business meetings. And despite touting his time on the Foreign Relation committee, he skipped 60 percent of the committee’s hearings. Rubio’s absenteeism was so bad that the Sun Sentinel editorial board, which endorsed him in 2010, called for his resignation: “You are ripping us off, senator.”

The career politician doesn’t just like to play hooky when taxpayers are footing the bill. During his time as a lawyer, Rubio lamented the long (read: full time) hours and even left one firm for another that would allow him to work less than 20 hours a week. As a professor at Florida International University, Rubio also regularly shirked his responsibilities, only attending an estimated 80 percent of classes that he was meant to teach. 

Marco Rubio’s record of cutting corners and avoiding hard work is unacceptable. Florida won’t re-elect him to continue skipping out on the job.

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Published: Jun 22, 2016

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