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Tuesday, Sep 7 2021

Report: GOP Candidate Takes Credit For Inspiring Election “Audit”

Sep 07, 2021

Lamon “said he ‘started pressuring’ Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, to pursue the efforts when legal efforts by electors — including him — to overturn the election came up short.”

In case you missed it, a Friday report from the Arizona Republic highlights that Arizona Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jim Lamon has “emerged as a key behind-the-scenes player in” state Republicans’ discredited Maricopa County election “audit” — “from helping bankroll security to directing Ken Bennett to take a position as a spokesperson for the effort.”

Lamon’s claimed role in “pressuring” Senate President Karent Fann to initiate the “audit” is just the latest bright red flag that the “ballot review” is a complete sham that’s — at its core — an effort to undermine and overturn the already-audited, fair results of the 2020 election.

Lamon and the rest of the GOP Senate field have gone all in to support the discredited “audit” and parrot Trump’s election lies — a clear indication that they will always put politics ahead of getting done for Arizonans.

Arizona Republic: Senate candidate Jim Lamon helped pay for Ariz. audit security, claims credit for ‘pressuring’ Fann to do audit

By Yvonne Wingett Sanchez | September 3, 2021

Key Points:

  • “Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Jim Lamon has emerged as a key behind-the-scenes player in the state Senate’s long-running ballot review, from helping bankroll security to directing Ken Bennett to take a position as a spokesperson for the effort.”
  • “The solar company executive has said he has paid for security during the ballot inspections and directed Bennett to pause the work he was doing with Lamon to recruit Republican voters so he could help with the partisan election review.”
  • “Lamon’s partial name appeared in a text message released this week by the Republican-controlled state Senate related to its review of the 2020 election, an exercise Lamon has supported even before it began in earnest earlier this year.”
  • “On the campaign trail, as he met with GOP voters at pancake breakfasts and political meet-and-greets, Lamon has taken credit for helping inspire the ballot review. In one appearance, he said he ‘started pressuring’ Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, to pursue the efforts when legal efforts by electors — including him — to overturn the election came up short.”
  • “Lamon said as much during an Aug. 28 campaign event in Taylor at a ‘Save the Nation’ breakfast event featuring a ‘Rap Hoedown & Festival.’ When post-election lawsuits to fight the election results ‘didn’t work, we started pressuring Karen to — Fann — to do the audit,’ Lamon told voters. ‘And Karen said, “We’ll do it.” And then Ken Bennett, who’s on my state director team — he’s a good statesman himself, businessman down in Prescott — we loaned him to go to the audit team. And then Ken goes, “We need some security.” So, me and some other business guys stepped up, so we’ve been paying for that.’”

Read the full report here.


Published: Sep 7, 2021

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