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Monday, Aug 7 2017

REMINDER: WEDC Has a Terrible Record of Mishandling Taxpayer Dollars

Aug 07, 2017

Following last week’s seven-hour long public hearing on Wisconsin’s deal with Foxconn which is being managed by Scott Walker’s scandal-ridden faux jobs agency, WEDC, we just wanted to send a quick reminder of all the trouble WEDC has gotten themselves into into thanks to failed promises of job creation and bad accounting… not to mention how Scott Walker thanked his own campaign donors with taxpayer funds through WEDC.

  • 2011-2016: WEDC handed out contracts that without requiring companies to create jobs.

  • 2012: WEDC broke federal law by handing out federal block grants without authority, giving out too much money to companies, failing to investigate companies, and unaccounted funds.

  • 2012-2014: Several companies that received WEDC awards outsourced jobs.

  • 2013: Companies that received WEDC awards didn’t follow through on their promises of job creation.

  • 2014: WEDC failed to deliver on 250,000 new jobs promised during his first term.

  • 2014-2015: WEDC came under fire after giving away millions without formal review.

  • 2015: Scott Walker called out for turning WEDC into “goodie bag for campaign donors.

  • 2017: WEDC still not tracking job creation.

  • 2017: Audit of WEDC revealed an increase in delinquent loans and an attempt to keep millions in repaid tax credits.

Published: Aug 7, 2017

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