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Tuesday, Apr 12 2022

Reminder: Mike Pence believes there were “very fine people” at Neo-Nazi rally

Apr 12, 2022

Five years ago, a Neo-Nazi, white supremacist mob descended on Charlottesville, Virginia, killing an innocent person. Then-President Donald Trump – not for the first or last time – aligned himself with the extremist, murderous mob, telling reporters there were “very fine people on both sides.” When asked about Trump’s comments, Mike Pence declined to condemn the white supremacists and defended both Trump and his assertion about them being fine people: “I stand with the president, and I stand by those words.”

Tonight, Mike Pence will travel to Charlottesville to give a speech at the University of Virginia campus.Ahead of that speech, American Bridge spokesperson Drew Godinich released the following statement:

“Mike Pence’s presence in Charlottesville tonight is a slap in the face to the survivors and victims of the horrific, extremist rally that he and Donald Trump stoked and defended. Until Pence emphatically and publicly rejects those disgusting elements within his own party, he has no business in Virginia. But with his eyes on securing their support ahead of his presidential run, we aren’t holding our breath.”


Published: Apr 12, 2022 | Last Modified: Apr 18, 2022

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