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Thursday, Oct 15 2015

Rand Paul Out-Offends Himself On LGBT Rights

Oct 15, 2015

There are almost too many offensive quotes about LGBT rights from Rand Paul packed into 1:21 of video, but here it goes:


“I think really the things you do in your house, just leave those in your house and it wouldn’t have to be part of the workplace, to tell you the truth.”


“It sets up a classification, or a class of people who can now sue. You see what I mean? So what happens is, it sets up a whole industry of people who want to sue. So if you happen to be gay and you get fired, now you can have a reason to can fire.”


“If you are gay, there are plenty of places that will hire you.”


Watch here from Rand Paul at Drake University in Iowa:


Published: Oct 15, 2015

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