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Wednesday, Jul 18 2018

QUICK CLIPS: Rick Scott's Legal Battle to Hide His Finances From Floridians

Jul 18, 2018

As Rick Scott battles in court to hide his ill-gotten millions from Floridians — including how he made $550 million in one deal last year — he’s earning even more negative coverage.

“Rick Scott has spent seven years as governor working to profit from state business, from oil pipelines to healthcare contracts. Just yesterday, as Scott’s lawyers were arguing the public has no right to see Scott’s finances, Scott himself was lying about $120 million in shady outside income. This level of deceit and corruption is why Floridians know they can’t trust Rick Scott to look out for anyone but himself,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Bay News 9: “Last year alone [Scott] reported that his net income rose by $80 million.”

WFOX: “Lawyers for Governor Scott are trying to block a lawsuit accusing him of hiding his income from voters.”

Published: Jul 18, 2018

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