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Tuesday, Jan 23 2018

QUICK CLIPS: What Floridians Are Watching About Rick Scott's Offshore Drilling Political Games

Jan 23, 2018

When Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke came to Florida to help Rick Scott score political points for Scott’s likely Senate run, they held a press conference where Zinke claimed Florida was being removed from consideration for offshore drilling. However, now the Interior Department official in charge of the program — an actual expert — later said that this was not true and that Florida was not exempt.

Watch the scathing coverage from local Florida TV:

Watch the Spectrum News clip here.

Watch the Wink News clip here.

Earlier this month, American Bridge launched a new public awareness campaign on Rick Scott’s hypocrisy on oil drilling in and near Florida, including a digital ad targeting coastal communities and a report on Rick Scott’s long history of supporting drilling.

Published: Jan 23, 2018

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