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News Wednesday, Aug 23 2017

QUICK CLIP: Ralston: "Heller's in big trouble, his approval numbers are terrible."

Aug 23, 2017

On MSNBC this morning, Nevada journalist Jon Ralston tore apart Sen. Dean Heller’s chances for reelection, laying into Heller’s willfully misleading statements and self-inflicted wounds:
  • “Dean Heller has problems on both the left and the right, which is a very difficult thing to accomplish, but he’s managed to do it.”
  • “On health care bill, where he took all kinds of different positions, he said different things in different interviews.”
  • “So he’s got the right angry at him…Even though, remember, Heller voted the way that the president wanted him to — finally.”


HOST: Dean Heller is the most vulnerable Republican in the Senate.

RALSTON: Dean Heller has problems on both the left and the right, which is a very difficult thing to accomplish, but he’s managed to do it. Mostly through his performance on the health care bill, where he took all kinds of different positions, he said different things in different interviews. So he’s got the right angry at him. Tarkanian got into the race shortly after the last health care debate.

Even though, remember, Heller voted the way that the president wanted him to — finally — only after going after this, and this, and this. And he stood here in Nevada with Brian Sandoval, the governor, saying essentially we’re not going to support the current bill.

Heller’s in big trouble, his approval numbers here, are terrible.

Published: Aug 23, 2017

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