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Tuesday, Sep 26 2017

QUICK CLIP: Luther Strange Is *Already* Blaming Senate Republicans For His Loss

Sep 26, 2017

In an interview with Fox & Friends this morning, Senator Luther Strange blamed Senate Republicans for not getting anything done and said that Senate GOP dysfunction could cause him to lose today’s Republican primary. The latest poll has Strange down by 11 points against Roy Moore.
“It is pathetic that despite the millions spent on his behalf, Strange is already spinning his own defeat tonight. Senate Republicans have completely failed to govern this year, and are on track to fail yet again to to repeal the Affordable Care Act — and the Republican base is furious,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Look no further than the millions of dollars Mitch McConnell has been forced to spend defending Strange, his hand-picked crony. Regardless how tonight’s vote turns out, Senate Republicans are the loser.”
Watch the clip here.
Ducey: “What is your message to these Republicans who have said in the past they would vote to fix Obamacare and now given the chance aren’t gonna?”
Strange: “Well I would tell them publicly, and I’ve told them privately and behind closed doors, we’ve got to fulfill our promises. I’m the one out here taking the brunt of the failure to keep their commitments. I can understand the frustration. I’m the most frustrated person in the Senate; believe me, because we made these promises. We haven’t fulfilled them. And if we don’t do that, we will pay a heavy price at the polls and rightfully so, frankly, for not fulfilling those promises.”

Published: Sep 26, 2017

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