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Thursday, Jun 21 2018

QUICK CLIP: Kevin Cramer Thinks Those Cages Aren’t So Bad, And He Really Means It

Jun 21, 2018

Rep. Kevin Cramer spent yesterday on a talk-radio blitz defending the Trump administration’s policy of putting migrant children in caged detention centers.

He was roundly criticized for his insensitivity, but rather than apologize, Cramer doubled down– this time on national TV.

“You use the term ‘children in cages,’” said Cramer. “We’re not talking about children in cages. What we are talking about is children who’ve been brought across our borders illegally, through the entire country of Mexico, dangerous and in harm, and they’re put in a building — in buildings that have, in some cases, walls that are made of chain links so that it’s easier to observe and to protect them. But it’s the rhetoric that turns that into cages.” 

WATCH Cramer tell Fox Business that liberal rhetoric is to blame for migrant children in cages:

“How Kevin Cramer defines ‘cage’ doesn’t change the fact that these children should never have been taken from their parents and locked up in the first place,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Most Republican candidates have at least mustered the compassion to say they don’t believe children should be kept in separate detention centers. Not Kevin Cramer.”

Read Cramer’s 24 hours of bad headlines below:

Huffington Post: GOP Congressman Defends Cages For Migrant Kids: Playgrounds Have Chain-Link Fences
Talking Points Memo: GOP Senate Nominee Cramer Compares Cages For Migrant Kids To Playgrounds
CNN: GOP Senate candidate Kevin Cramer: ‘Nothing inhumane about a chain-link fence’
The Hill: GOP lawmaker compares cages for migrant children to chain-link fences on playgrounds


Published: Jun 21, 2018

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