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Wednesday, Oct 24 2018

QUICK CLIP: Kevin Cramer on Entitlement Reform: “Let’s Put Everything On the Table”

Oct 24, 2018

Kevin Cramer just put himself on the record in favor of potential cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Asked about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s admission that he’d consider entitlement cuts, Cramer said, “the Leader is exactly right.”

Cramer elaborated further, saying, “We can perhaps look at raising the age 15, 20 years from now. Lift the age today but have it begin 15, 20 years from now. I’m willing to throw a couple things on the table. I’m going to say, let’s put everything on the table.”

Reminder: Cuts to Social Security and Medicare are only “on the table” to make up for the massive deficit increase triggered by Cramer and McConnell’s disastrous tax cuts.

Watch Cramer open the door to Social Security and Medicare cuts here:

Watch the full clip here.

Published: Oct 24, 2018

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