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Thursday, May 31 2018

QUICK CLIP: Fake Ranchin’ Rosendale Waxes Poetic About Sugar Beets to FOX News

May 31, 2018

“After months of overuse on the campaign trail, Matt Rosendale’s ranching anecdotes are sounding a little tired,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “But two days after reports exposed Rosendale for the fake rancher he is, he’s still going whole hog on his folksy schtick. If it looks like a politicians and sounds like a politician, it’s probably not a rancher.”

WATCH Montana Senate candidate Matt Rosendale attempt to embellish his ranching credentials to FOX News:

Watch the full clip here.

Published: May 31, 2018 | Last Modified: Feb 1, 2024

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