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Thursday, Nov 2 2017

Questions Pile Up As Rick Scott And Mike Pence Stump Together For Tax Plan in Orlando

Nov 02, 2017

Today, Vice President Mike Pence is coming to Orlando to campaign with Gov. Rick Scott for the GOP tax plan that would raise taxes on middle class Floridians and encourage jobs to be shipped overseas.

So it’s no wonder Rick Scott keeps avoiding questions about the GOP tax plan. But as he gets ready to campaign for the passage of this plan that would benefit millionaires like himself, Scott can’t dodge any more.

Here are the key questions Rick Scott needs to answer as he campaigns for the GOP tax plan Pence today:

1. Do you support reducing the tax break for 401(k) retirement plans, which tens of millions of Americans depend on to secure their retirement?
2. How can you support his plan when economic experts — including a former White House adviser for Republican President George H.W. Bush — are sounding the alarm that the GOP tax plan could threaten more American jobs with outsourcing?
3. Do you believe the estate tax should be cut to benefit families like yours that are worth more than one hundred million dollars?

4. One study says that “the Republican tax plan would actually raise taxes on about 992,000 Florida households next year.” Why do you support a plan that would raise taxes?

Pence’s visit to Florida comes the day after American Bridge launched, featuring a new digital ad campaign, message memo, and fact sheet exposing the tax scheme as a scam that sells-out the American middle class and working families.

Published: Nov 2, 2017

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