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Wednesday, Aug 10 2016

Profile In Courage: Rob Portman Stands Behind Donald Trump TODAY After Offensive, Violent Remarks

Aug 10, 2016

Donald Trump has repeatedly made offensive, racist and sexist comments throughout the campaign, but yesterday at a North Carolina rally, he crossed the line into irresponsible, dangerous and terrifying when he suggested violence if Hillary Clinton wins.

Today, Rob Portman chose to reaffirm his support for Donald Trump, even after he threatened violence against a political opponent.
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Rob Portman’s continued support of Trump as he’s attacked Gold Star parents and spewed anti-immigrant language is shameful, but the reaffirmation of his endorsement today is downright appalling. Portman has shown that he’ll always put partisanship over Ohioans, and there’s no comment offensive or dangerous enough to change that.

Published: Aug 10, 2016

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