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Thursday, Dec 17 2015

Portman's Chinese Tire Clash

Dec 17, 2015

Senator Rob Portman’s Chinese tire clash comes to light in the NRSC’s latest attempt to hold the Senate by using… a Chinese-made costume. The NRSC’s self-oppo is clearly lacking, because the organization tweeted a video that inadvertently highlights Portman’s past and the loss of more than 5,000 American jobs. Portman’s employer representedChinese tire manufacturers in a tariff dispute against American workers. 

It’s obvious why Portman is emphasizing his desire to get tough on China, but the real question is: why would he choose to work for a firm that fought against Ohio workers?
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“Rob Portman and his Washington Republican friends talk a big game, but when the rubber meets the road they’re happy to let American jobs go overseas to China,” American Bridge President Jessica Mackler said in a statement. “It’s not just this campaign costume, either  it’s his record. Portman’s employer represented Chinese tire manufacturers in a dispute against American workers, even after Chinese tire imports resulted in Ohio jobs being shipped overseas.”

POLITICO’s Morning Score has more:

COSTUME CONFLICT – American Bridge mocks Portman over tire outfit: In their ongoing quest to have a costumed mascot to bother every Democratic Senate candidate, the National Republican Senatorial Committee has recently deployed a man dressed as a costumed tire to follow around former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. (The group has labeled Strickland “Retread Ted.”) Here he is:

– But the Democratic super PAC American Bridge is attacking Strickland’s opponent, GOP Sen. Rob Portman, over the costume, noting it’s made in China by the Kindfar Mascot Costume Factory and that Portman worked for a law firm that represented Chinese businesses in a trade dispute over tire production. Here’s the factory’s website: 

Published: Dec 17, 2015

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