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Wednesday, Nov 16 2011

POLITICO: Questions arise about Rick Perry's business deals back home in Texas Tribune report

Nov 16, 2011

On November 16, 2011, POLITICO reported:

The Texas Tribune takes a deeper dive on an issue that’s cropped up repeatedly in the last 24 hours as Rick Perry has pushed his “outsider” message to change federal government so members of Congress could face jail time for “insider trading” deals where they benefit from legislation – the governor’s own personal gain from policy ventures.


The Tribune piece looks at the deals in detail, but they include reports on buying and then flipping a Horseshoe Bay property from a friend, and a probe the Huffington Post revealed that was done on a land deal with Dr. James Leininger, a major Perry donor.

The left-leaning group American Bridge hit Perry hard on the issue after his government-overhaul speech Monday, in a line of attack that will become a refrain if the governor starts to rise again.

Read the whole article here

Published: Nov 16, 2011

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