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Wednesday, Nov 16 2011

POLITICO: Mitt Romney Says Americans Avoiding 'The Hard Work' In Book, American Bridge Reports

Nov 16, 2011

On November 16, 2011, POLITCO reported:

The folks at the Democratic-backing group American Bridge flagged a quote from Mitt Romney’s book “No Apology” amid the flap over the Republican hitting President Obama for describing Americans as having become “lazy” in terms of preserving exceptionalism.

The passage in the book reads this way:

“We have been accustomed to being the world’s leading nation for so long, enjoying the freedom, security, and prosperity that comes with that leadership, that we have tended to avoid the hard work that overcoming challenges requires. When I was about ten, I asked my dad how he thought his company’s Rambler automobile could ever successfully compete with General Motors; they were so far ahead that catching up appeared impossible. He said something that has since been widely attributed to him: “There is nothing as vulnerable as entrenched success.” I believe that our many years of success may, in fact, be the greatest obstacle we face. In election after election, candidates have told us that simple measures will solve our challenges, and that their election alone will guarantee a bright future. We have joined in the cheering for this heady prospect. But much more than cheering is going to be required in the years ahead.”

(emphasis added)

Published: Nov 16, 2011

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