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Wednesday, Jul 12 2017

Pence Visits Kentucky To Lie About Obamacare

Jul 12, 2017

Vice President Mike Pence is today heading to Kentucky to lie about Obamacare and disingenuously claim that Trumpcare — nothing more than a cruel vehicle to deliver big tax cuts for billionaires — won’t, as the Congressional Budget Office has repeatedly concluded, put healthcare access out of reach for hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians and millions of Americans.
American Bridge spokesman Brad Bainum statement on Pence’s Kentucky trip:

“This isn’t complicated: If Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin get their way, billionaire GOP donors will win, but over 22 million Americans will lose. Hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians stand to lose their coverage while insurance becomes unaffordable for people with preexisting conditions if Trumpcare becomes law, and the consequences for the country would be disastrous.” 
Obamacare and Kentucky’s opt-in to the Medicaid expansion have allowed millions of Kentuckians to gain healthcare access while significantly growing Kentucky’s economy:

  • Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, Kentucky’s uninsured rate plummeted from 20% to 7.8% in just 3 years.
  • Through 2015, “nearly 15,000 Kentucky veterans and their spouses [had] obtained health coverage” thanks to the state’s Medicaid expansion.
  • A 2015 study found that the Kentucky Medicaid expansion will “add 40,000 jobs and $30 billion to the state’s economy” by 2021.
  • The impact of reversing the Affordable Care Act’s progress would be devastating: Cutting back Kentucky’s Medicaid expansion would put “over 400,000 residents…at risk of returning to uninsured status,”according the a University of Louisville study.

Published: Jul 12, 2017

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