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Thursday, Jan 27 2022

Pat McCrory Doubles Down On “Lunch Counter” Comparison

Jan 27, 2022

Now, his U.S. campaign is doubling down on his out-of-touch comments

A new report from CNN highlights that North Carolina U.S. Senate candidate Pat McCrory last year claimed that being denied a cushy job appointment at Duke University after serving as governor was “comparable to the refusal to serve Black Americans at lunch counters in the 1960s during segregation.”

Responding to CNN for today’s story, McCrory’s campaign stood by the comments and defended his argument, including his obviously absurd and out-of-touch Jim Crow comparison.

As CNN’s reporting notes, McCrory lost his job as governor, in part, for perpetrating actual discrimination:

“The former North Carolina governor lost his reelection bid in 2016 in the wake of controversy following his signing of HB2, commonly referred to as ‘the bathroom bill.’ The bill required that individuals at government-run facilities statewide use the bathroom corresponding with the gender listed on their birth certificate. The bill’s considerable backlash led to economic boycotts from consumers and companies costing the state hundreds of millions of dollars, according to a 2017 analysis.”

CNN: Pat McCrory compared his not getting a job at Duke University to 1960s segregation

By Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck | January 27, 2022

  • “Former North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory said last year that not receiving an offer to teach at Duke University upon leaving the governorship was ‘blacklisting’ and comparable to the refusal to serve Black Americans at lunch counters in the 1960s during segregation.”
  • “McCrory, who is now running for US Senate in a Republican primary, instead took a job as a local radio host where he made the comments, which were reviewed by CNN’s KFile as part of a look at the rhetoric he used after leaving office in 2017. McCrory was the governor of North Carolina from 2013 to 2017.”
  • ‘McCrory was referring to the Greensboro lunch counter sit-in protests that occurred in 1960 as a part of the civil rights movement. Four Black college students from the historically Black North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College walked into the F. W. Woolworth store and sat at the Whites-only lunch counter where they were refused service. The students, who were later joined by dozens and then hundreds of other protesters, were finally served after six months of nonviolent demonstrations, sparking similar peaceful demonstrations across the country.”
  • “Jordan Shaw, a spokesperson for the McCrory campaign, told CNN that McCrory’s comments were clear and that ‘he has seen first-hand the way the far-left uses cancel culture to advance their extreme agenda.’”

Read CNN’s full report here.


Published: Jan 27, 2022 | Last Modified: Feb 1, 2022

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