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The Wire Friday, Aug 15 2014


Aug 15, 2014

Once upon a time, there was a belief that Republican governors like Rick Perry and Bob McDonnell, Chris Christie and Scott Walker, represented a bright future and a new direction for the GOP.

<p”=>Well it’s a new direction alright — courtward. Bob McDonnell may have started the scandal train, but now everybody is hopping on board. Chris Christie is jamming bridges as political retribution and Scott Walker is allegedly at the “center of a criminal scheme” to illegally coordinate campaign spending. With his counterparts embroiled in scandal and hogging attention, Rick Perry damn near lost relevance… until today.

Not to be outdone, Perry went ahead and abused his power as governor, finally getting back in the spotlight with a couple felony indictments. Phew, that was close.

There was a time when these four governors were celebrated for charting a new vision and speaking with conviction.

These days, the closest thing they have to a new vision is Rick Perry’s hipster glasses. And the closest thing they have to conviction is…well, conviction. But not the good kind.

Published: Aug 15, 2014

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