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Thursday, Apr 27 2023

One of West Virginia’s Richest People, Jim Justice Announces U.S. Senate Bid

Apr 27, 2023

Today, one of the wealthiest people in West Virginia and current Governor Jim Justice announced that he is seeking the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in West Virginia. Justice has spent his time as governor enriching himself and his business interests while leaving working West Virginians in the dust. In response to Justice’s announcement, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Aidan Johnson released the following statement:

“The only person whose life has improved while Jim Justice has been governor is Jim Justice. He’s used his time in office to give himself tax breaks and waste taxpayer dollars on his family businesses while ignoring the needs of West Virginians. Now he wants a promotion? That’s not going to happen.”

Here’s a quick refresher on the scandals that have plagued Justice during his time in office:

  • Leaders of Justice’s own party have called on him to resign, saying “Jim Justice is an embarrassment to our state and should resign.” They also have said the following on Justice’s track record: “He didn’t and he hasn’t pursued any legislation ever,” and “he’s never had a real agenda item other than raising taxes the first year.”

  • Local GOP county parties have passed votes of “no confidence” in Jim Justice as governor.

  • Justice is being sued by retired coal miners who worked at a mine he owns after he cut off health care benefits.

  • Justice vetoed legislation that would have brought broadband internet to the state.

  • West Virginians have been overwhelmingly disappointed by Justice’s failure to fix the state’s crumbling infrastructure.

Justice’s announcement all but guarantees an ugly, contentious Republican primary between him and Club For Growth candidate Alex Mooney:

Published: Apr 27, 2023

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