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Wednesday, Sep 1 2021

One 2020 Pennsylvania Loser Endorses Another

Sep 01, 2021

Today, 2020 Pennsylvania loser Donald Trump endorsed Sean Parnell, who Pennsylvania voters likewise rejected in 2020.

“It’s appropriate that Trump is endorsing Sean Parnell, because Pennsylvania voters decisively rejected them both in 2020 — no matter how many times they falsely claim otherwise,” said Brad Bainum, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson.

Parnell, along with every other major GOP candidate running in Pennsylvania — including primary fundraising leader Kathy Barnette, Jeff Bartos, and Carla Sands — has gone all-out to undermine Pennsylvania voters and spread Trump’s lies about the 2020 election.

After initially refusing to concede his 2020 loss, Parnell later executed a full flip-flop, saying he “didn’t want to relitigate 2020,” before eventually vocally backing a 2020 “audit” over baselessly alleged “fraud.”

While focusing on trying to overturn the 2020 election, Parnell, along with every main GOP candidate, has vocally opposed the bipartisan infrastructure deal passed last month in the U.S. Senate — despite the bill’s wide popularity and established benefits for Pennsylvania workers and communities.


Published: Sep 1, 2021

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