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Monday, Aug 24 2015

No Beating Around The Bush: Despite Blatant Pandering To Kochs, Jeb Falls Flat

Aug 24, 2015

Sweat beading on his brow, Jeb Bush did his best to pander to the Friday afternoon Koch network audience at Americans for Prosperity’s “Defending the American Dream” summit — spending “the bulk of his speech ticking off his support for items on the Koch brothers’ agenda,” according to the Columbus Dispatch.

Jeb did his best to win over the crowd — and their financial backing — by pledging his fealty and commitment to the Koch agenda policies that prioritize Charles and David Koch’s profits over the welfare of the American public. Such noble efforts of course include opposing Medicaid expansions that extend health care access for millions and repealing Obamacare to strip health care from millions more — and the list goes onand onand onand on.

David — it’s great seeing you,” Jeb said, kicking of his Koch appeal with the less-than-fiery Jeb flair we’ve become accustomed to, while simultaneously demonstrating his willingness to kowtow to David Koch, whose support will be crucial if Jeb hopes to have any political future.

But despite his salutations and best efforts to hit all the Koch notes over the course of his 20 minute speech, Jeb fell flat — earning nothing beyond “polite applause” from an otherwise revved-up crowd. The reviews were less than stellar: Bush was “outshined” by Ted Cruz, according to the Associated Press — and even the terrifically underwhelming Bobby Jindal earned more enthusiasm from the crowd than did Jeb, according to

But, as we’ve so painfully learned, such is the Jeb Bush Experience.


Published: Aug 24, 2015

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