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Monday, Feb 18 2013

New Website Highlights Extreme Views In Ken Cuccinelli’s Manifesto

Feb 18, 2013

WASHINGTON – American Bridge 21st Century has released a new website,, highlighting the most extreme passages from the new book by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, The Last Line of Defense: The New Fight for American Liberty.


“Unfortunately for AG Cuccinelli, The Last Line of Defense does nothing to stop the persistent questions about his extremism and his ability to represent the people of Virginia,” said Rodell Mollineau, president of American Bridge. “If these are the arguments he chooses to boast about in print, Virginians should be concerned about the arguments he’s making as the Commonwealth’s lawyer.”

The website identifies the portions of Cuccinelli’s book in which he has revealed stances far outside the mainstream of Virginia, including his criticism of Medicare and Social Security as making “people dependent on government.” Cuccinelli also denies that women have been denied access to contraceptives, and dismisses the scientific consensus on climate change. These views – also touching on President Obama, the Tea Party, and community rec centers – demonstrate that Cuccinelli is extreme by any standard.

American Bridge 21st Century is a progressive organization committed to holding Republicans accountable for their words and actions through the use of opposition research, candidate tracking, and earned media communications.

Published: Feb 18, 2013

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