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Monday, May 11 2015

New Web Ad: George and Jeb: Foreign Policy Fools

May 11, 2015

Despite George W. Bush’s admission that he would be the biggest drag on his brother’s campaign, Jeb doesn’t seem to care. Over and over, including in an interview with FOX News slated for tonight, Jeb has defended his brother’s disastrous foreign policy — including the fateful decision, based on false intelligence, to invade Iraq. Jeb either doesn’t remember the ramifications of that war or thinks its consequences were desirable. Either way, the American people remember Jeb’s brother as a terrible Commander in Chief. If that’s the role model he’s set for his presidency, he’s doing a great job of lowering expectations.

The latest from American Bridge, “George and Jeb: Foreign Policy Fools” will target specific constituencies in Nevada, where Jeb will be campaigning Wednesday, with a substantial effort including preroll and social media advertising. Watch the web ad below:

Published: May 11, 2015

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