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Thursday, Oct 4 2012

NEW VIDEO: Josh Mandel, The No-Show Treasurer

Oct 04, 2012

WASHINGTON – On the heels of a report yesterday showing that Josh Mandel has skipped every meeting in his first year in office of eight boards on which he sits, American Bridge today is releasing a new video entitled “Josh Mandel, the No-Show Treasurer.” In Mandel’s second year in office, he has attended a grand total of seven Board of Deposit meetings, which he only started attending after the AP noted his absence. He has still not attended a single meeting of any of the other seven boards.

“It is common knowledge that Josh Mandel started running for the US Senate the instant he was elected Treasurer of the State of Ohio, but Ohioans will be shocked to learn just how little Mandel does for his current job,” said Matt Thornton, Senior Communications Adviser for American Bridge 21st Century. “Mandel frequently points to his service as Treasurer as a justification for his election to the Senate, but a 15% attendance rate is hardly a record to be proud of.”

You can view the video here:

Published: Oct 4, 2012 | Last Modified: Apr 21, 2021

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