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Thursday, Jan 31 2019

New Social Media Ads Target Bobby Jindal Superfan Eddie Rispone

Jan 31, 2019



American Bridge is launching a new social media campaign today targeting Bobby Jindal’s biggest superfan, out-of-touch millionaire Eddie Rispone. Rispone was Jindal’s biggest cheerleader throughout his eight years as Governor. He raised money for Jindal, introduced him in speeches, and effusively praised his “leadership.” Now, Rispone is running for Governor on a platform of taking Louisiana back to the deeply unpopular Jindal days.

“Bobby Jindal nearly drove Louisiana into the ground while pursuing his vanity presidential ambitions, and Eddie Rispone was cheering him on every step of the way,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Under Bobby Jindal, Louisiana saw record deficits, massive cuts to education, and the possibility of LSU declaring bankruptcy. Louisiana can’t afford to go back to those days, and that’s exactly what a Governor Rispone would mean.”

Published: Jan 31, 2019

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