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Tuesday, Jul 21 2015

New Research Shows Anti-Choice Group's Extremist Ties and Potentially Illegal Activity

Jul 21, 2015

In light of today’s newly-released video from the extremist Center for Medical Progress attacking Planned Parenthood, here’s what new research reveals about the group with a history of subversive activities: They have ties to anti-choice extremism — including to groups that supported health worker harassment and that were sympathetic to a doctor’s killer — and allegedly performed other illegal activity.

The Center For Medical Progress — as innocently-named, as it is maliciously motivated — is, as The Huffington Post reported:

“[N]othing more than a front organization for the anti-abortion group Live Action. That is not how the IRS understood it when considering the group’s application for tax-exempt status, and not how the group originally presented itself to the public in soliciting donations.” 

That’s right: Center for Medical Progress seemingly misrepresented itself to the IRS as a biomedicine charity, whereas it is nothing more than a bona fide, anti-choice hit squad that, as The Huffington Post’s Laura Bassett put it, “appears to be solely dedicated to destroying [Planned Parenthood].”

What else do we know?

The Center for Medical Progress has a history of associations with extremist groups and individuals — including a member of the organization’s board — who actively seek to misinform and mislead women, with the intention of limiting their control over their own healthcare decisions.

For now, the facts speak for themselves, and the barrage remains nothing more than a politically-motivated onslaught on Planned Parenthood — an attack designed to restrict women’s access to safe and viable healthcare options.

For more, click here to read a new reporton CMP’s extremism from Bridge Project.

Published: Jul 21, 2015

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