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Tuesday, Dec 5 2017

New Polls Show Overwhelming Opposition To The Trump-Republican Tax Bill 

Dec 05, 2017

Two new polls confirm what we already knew: the Trump tax bill, which Senate Republicans rammed through in the dead of night last week and the House voted to advance yesterday, is deeply unpopular and overwhelmingly opposed to by the majority of Americans.

“The American people are strongly rejecting this Trump tax scam. Raising taxes on the middle class and working families to fund tax breaks for the rich and large corporations isn’t just morally wrong, it’s going to be an electoral disaster for every Republican who votes for it,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.” And as voters learn more about the proposal cutting Medicare by more than $25 billion while also causing the deficit to explode, they’ll only further reject anyone who was crazy enough to vote for it.”

Quinnipiac University’s latest poll shows that Americans are against the tax plan by nearly 2 to 1, with 53% against it compared to just 29% in favor. The poll also found that “voters say 61 – 34 percent that the tax plan favors the rich at the expense of the middle class.”

A new Gallup poll out today similarly found that a majority of U.S. adults oppose the Trump-Republican tax plan by nearly 2 to 1, with 56% disapproving compared to 29% supporting it.

​Last week, an analysis of earlier polling by FiveThirtyEight determined that the Trump-Republican tax proposal “is one of the least popular tax plans since Ronald Reagan’s day,” using averages dating back to 1981.

Published: Dec 5, 2017

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