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Friday, Jan 25 2019

New Online Campaign Challenges Ralph Abraham to Show Up to Work for an Entire Month

Jan 25, 2019

Can Ralph Abraham go the entire month of February without missing votes to campaign?

While Abraham has been busy skipping out on votes to campaign, 6,000 Louisianans aren’t getting paid because of the shutdown

American Bridge is launching a new social media ad campaign and grassroots petition challenging Congressman Ralph Abraham to show up to work for an entire month. The petition, which can be viewed here, urges Congressman Abraham to do his job and show up to work for the entire month of February. Abraham has missed votes nearly every week of the shutdown to campaign for himself, including yesterday.

Knowing how reticent Congressman Abraham is to showing up to work, we decided to make this easier for him by selecting the shortest month of the year.

“Unlike Ralph Abraham, most Louisianans don’t have the luxury of skipping out on work whenever they feel like it,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Thousands of Louisianans are about to miss their second paycheck because of the shutdown, but Ralph Abraham can’t even bother to show up and vote to end it. We hope Ralph Abraham accepts this challenge to stop campaigning and actually do his job for an entire month.”

View the petition here.

Published: Jan 25, 2019

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