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News Tuesday, Jun 26 2018

New American Bridge Video: Lyin’ Walker Stapleton Can’t Be Trusted

Jun 26, 2018

How do you know he’s lying? His lips are moving. Tonight occasional State Treasurer Walker Stapleton became the Republican nominee for Colorado Governor. But in winning the nomination, Stapleton lost his credibility with Colorado families. From basic lies about his background, to easily provable falsehoods and gross exaggerations about his record as Treasurer, Walker Stapleton has tried to mislead Colorado voters at almost every turn.

“Walker Stapleton lies so often that if he ever showed up to work, he’d find Pinocchio waiting for him in the lobby hoping to get some tips,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Lying may have won Walker Stapleton the Republican nomination, but it cost him his credibility. His lousy record as Treasurer will lose him the Governor’s office.”

Watch American Bridge’s new video on Stapleton lying about his record here.

Published: Jun 26, 2018

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