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Friday, Jan 25 2019

New Ads Urge Kentucky Voters to Boot Matt Bevin

Jan 25, 2019

Watch the ad, Boot Bevin, here

American Bridge launched its first ad buy in the 2019 Kentucky Governor’s race today with a statewide digital buy urging Kentucky voters to boot Matt Bevin out of office. The ad, called “Boot Bevin,” highlights how even Republicans are fed up with 4 years of blatant corruption and incompetence from Matt Bevin. The adbegins running today across Kentucky and will be targeted to swing voters.

Matt Bevin is one of the most corrupt and unpopular politicians in America and Kentucky voters are ready to show him the door,”said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “If there’s one thing Republicans and Democrats can find common ground on, it’s that it is time to boot Matt Bevin.”

Watch the ad below:

Published: Jan 25, 2019

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