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Wednesday, Jun 13 2018

NEW ADS: GOP’s Toxic Health Care Hypocrisy

Jun 13, 2018

Republicans Promised To Protect Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions — Then Supported A Law That Could Jeopardize Care For Millions

Today, Bridge Project launched a national digital ad campaign targeting Republican Senate candidates after the Trump administration argued that insurance protections for pre-existing conditions are unconstitutional. The administration’s assertion is a result of the tax bill Republicans passed last year that included reducing Obamacare’s individual mandate tax penalty to zero.

The ad campaign, which starts running statewide in targeted races on social media this week, targets Republican Senate candidates in Nevada, Tennessee, Ohio, Missouri, and West Virginia.

Every Republican Congressional incumbent up for reelection or seeking higher office this cycle voted for the Republican tax bill — while promising to protect coverage for pre-existing conditions. Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley and West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey are co-counsels on the lawsuit that threatens to strip pre-existing condition coverage from millions of Americans.

“Republicans own the mess they’ve made of our healthcare system — from driving up costs to trying to end coverage for preexisting conditions — and you can guarantee Democrats will hold them accountable every day through November,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman.

WATCH “Promised”:

WATCH the full ad. READ a sample ad script below:

Senator Dean Heller promised to protect Nevadans’ healthcare.

He said “We need assurances that people with pre-existing conditions will be protected.”

But Heller’s tax bill jeopardizes health insurance for 1.2 million Nevadans.

Dean Heller broke his promise.

Putting his political agenda first.

We can’t trust Dean Heller to protect Nevadans’ healthcare.

Published: Jun 13, 2018

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