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Monday, Jan 28 2019

New Ad Urges Ralph Abraham to Show Up to Work

Jan 28, 2019

Watch the new ad here

American Bridge is launching new digital ads in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, New Orleans, Shreveport, Alexandria, Lake Charles, and Monroe to urge Congressman Ralph Abraham to show up to work. The ads are targeted to federal government employees affected by the recent government shutdown, and encourage viewers to call Abraham’s office to urge him to show up to work. The ad follows a petition and social media ad campaign American Bridge launched last week challenging Abraham to show up to work for the entire month of February. As of now, Abraham has declined to accept the offer.

While some members of Congress spent the last few weeks working to end the shutdown, Congressman Abraham had other priorities. Abraham skipped votes nearly every week of the shutdown to fundraise for his campaign for Governor.

From the restaurant community providing free meals to furloughed workers, to Governor John Bel Edwards extending unemployment insurance to those affected by the shutdown, Louisiana leaders stepped up during the shutdown to help their neighbors. Except for Congressman Abraham.

“If 80% of success is showing up, Congressman Ralph Abraham failed miserably,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Louisianans saw firsthand during the shutdown that Ralph Abraham won’t show up for them when they need it. What will it take for Abraham to actually do his job?”

Watch the ad below.

Published: Jan 28, 2019

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