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Friday, Nov 3 2017

NEW AD: Gillespie Calls Northern Virginia “Enemy Territory”

Nov 03, 2017

Following leaked audio of Ed Gillespie claiming Northern Virginia was “enemy territory” that was released yesterday, American Bridge today launched an online ad buy that highlighted the comment to Northern Virginia voters, noting that behind closed doors, Gillespie demonized one third of Virginia voters.

American Bridge spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement:

“Ed Gillespie’s campaign has been one of the most divisive in history – from his hateful, bigoted campaign advertisements to his policies that would strip away health care from Virginians. Virginians deserves a governor who unites Virginia, not divides it like Ed Gillespie.”

Narrator: Ed Gillespie has run one of the most divisive campaigns for governor in history. Now, behind closed doors, he demonizes one third of Virginia voters, labeling Northern Virginia as “enemy territory.” We need a governor who unites Virginia, not divides it.

Published: Nov 3, 2017

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