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News Thursday, Oct 4 2018

NEW AD: American Bridge Launches Call to Action to Nevada Women Before Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote

Oct 04, 2018

American Bridge launched a new digital ad calling on Nevada women to ramp up their pressure on Dean Heller before he casts a “yes” vote on Brett Kavanaugh.

“No Laughing Matter” blasts Heller for his description of Dr. Blasey Ford’s allegation as a “hiccup” and his emphatic statement that he has “no reservations” about supporting Kavanaugh. Heller has continued to stand with Trump as the President routinely mocks and demeans women.

The ad urges Nevada women to call Heller’s office before the final passage vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation. It will run on social media, targeted to Nevada women.

“If Dean Heller votes ‘yes’ on Kavanaugh, it will solidify his legacy of spinelessness,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Heller’s career has been defined by lip service and empty promises. Nevada women will make sure Heller answers for that in November.”

Watch “No Laughing Matter” here:

Watch “No Laughing Matter” here.

Published: Oct 4, 2018

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