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Wednesday, Jan 18 2023

NEW: 2024 Longshot Mike Pence Rolls Out Anti-Abortion Agenda

Jan 18, 2023

Today, Mike Pence’s 501(c)4 organization Advancing American Freedom rolled out a dangerous anti-abortion legislative framework to coincide with the start of the new Congress. His framework outlaws abortion across the board. It also paves the way to ban contraceptives like Plan B and IUDs while defunding Planned Parenthood in favor of bogus crisis pregnancy centers – which are frequent peddlers of misinformation.

In response to Mike Pence’s anti-abortion agenda, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Grace Hagerty has released the following statement: 

“Mike Pence is a far-right extremist who won’t stop daydreaming about being the next president. Americans know he’s spent his entire political career attempting to ban abortion and contraception. As he continues to roll out his agenda ahead of the 2024 GOP primary, we know his extremism will extend to gutting Social Security and Medicare, and cutting taxes for the ultra-wealthy. His agenda isn’t just extreme, it’s toxic and unpopular. Americans rejected him and Donald Trump in 2020 – 2024 will be no different.”

In addition to rolling out his extreme anti-abortion agenda, Pence is also gearing up for 2024 by praising Kevin McCarthy’s plans to cut Social Security and Medicare as “visionary reforms.” Pence, who has consistently campaigned for the privatization of Social Security, appears to be mounting his campaign on the most extreme far right platform imaginable.

Published: Jan 18, 2023

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